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Search results for 'Ganymede with Eagle Venetian Glass Ring with Twist Rope'


Items 231 to 240 of 240 total

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  2. 21
  3. 22
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  5. 24
  1. The Hammered Band Ring with .59pts Diamonds

    RZ5906 18kt Hammered Band Ring with .30pts Bezel Set Princess Cut Diamonds and .10pts Bezel Set Round Diamonds
  2. Peridot Ring with .24cts Diamonds

    RZ3434 14kt Peridot Ring with .24cts Diamonds
  3. Florentine Textured Ring with .68pts Bezel Set Diamonds

    RZ4451 14kt Green Gold Band Ring with .68pts in Bezel Set Diamonds and Florentine Textured Finish
  4. Frosted Blue Chalcedony Carved Medusa Ring Encircled by .56pt Diamond Halo

    RZ4878 14kt Green Gold Ring Featuring Frosted Blue Chalcedony Carved Medusa Encircled by .56pt Diamond Halo
  5. Oedipus and Sphinx Venetian Glass Ring

    14kt Ring Complemented by Twist Rope Design and Textured Florentine Finish Done in Aqua Color Venetian Glass with White Mother of Pearl Background Featuring Oedipus and the Sphinx.
  6. Three Graces Venetian Glass Ring with Twisted Rope

    14kt Gold Ring Done in Fuschia Pink Venetian Glass Backed with White Mother of Pearl Depicting The Three Graces (Neoclassical Sculpture featuring the Three daughters of Zeus)
  7. Ganymede with Eagle Venetian Glass Ring with .37pt Diamond Halo

    RZ5605-5608 14kt Green Gold Ring Featuring Aqua Venetian Glass Backed with White Mother of Pearl Depicting Ganymede and the Eagle Story. Encompassed by .37pt Halo of Diamonds.
  8. Ganymede with Eagle Venetian Glass Ring with Twist Rope

    14kt Green Gold Ring using White Venetian Glass Backed with White Mother of Pearl Depicting Ganymede and the Eagle Mythological Story
  9. Larger Florentine Textured Lily Ring with .14pts Diamonds

    Larger Florentine Textured Lily Ring with .14pts Diamonds

    RZ6271-6288 14kt Textured Lily Ring with .14pts Diamonds
  10. Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Cross Ring with .46pts Diamonds

    14kt Green Gold Cross Ring with Turquoise Cabochon and .46cts Diamonds. RZ5366


Items 231 to 240 of 240 total

  1. 20
  2. 21
  3. 22
  4. 23
  5. 24